I am a Managing Partner with Fortune Management, the nation’s leading practice management organization. I created this podcast because I am passionate about the business of dentistry, personal and professional development, and enjoy open discussions, debates, and dialogue regarding the future of the dental industry, technology, and most of all, coaching. I hope to contribute as much as I learn!

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Superbold Leadership
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
“Boldness is a superpower. And if you're not using it, you're shrinking your dreams,” shares Fred Joyal, CEO of TruBlu Social Smile and author of Superbold: From Under-Confident to Charismatic in 90 Days. Fred also co-founded 1-800-Dentist, the most successful dentist referral service in the country. Today, he joins host Jon Harris to talk about superbold leadership and the value of not letting fear or doubt hold you back.
Dentistry is a very profitable business; so much so, that you can make money even if you aren’t doing everything correctly. With profitability so high, it is a relatively safe business for investing in growth and technology. If you are not upgrading your practice with the latest technology because you are worried about the expense, you are reducing your growth potential. Most of this technology will pay for itself after just a few appointments. Learning to be bold in your decisions will help you to be a better leader. Even if you do not feel confident, do it anyway and see what happens because this will help you to be bolder going forward.
Boldness is a muscle. The more you put yourself out there, the easier it will be to actually feel confident. When you commit to decisions even though you do not feel confident, you will slowly build up that boldness muscle. These actions will lead you to actually feel confident over time and that will reflect in your leadership skills and the overall success of your practice.
• “One of the worst things that can happen to you in business is you're extremely well funded, because you end up throwing money at problems instead of creativity.” (8:05-8:16 | Fred)
• “Bold action is what actually creates confidence. So you may not feel confident, but you go anyway.” (38:13-38:22 | Fred)
• “Boldness is a superpower. And if you're not using it, you're shrinking your dreams.” (39:36-39:43 | Fred)
• “You will be much more successful acting your way to a better way of thinking, rather than thinking your way to a better way of acting.” (54:56-55:05 | Fred)
Connect with Fred Joyal:
Facebook: facebook.com/fredjoyal
Instagram: instagram.com/fredjoyal
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/fredjoyal
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Associate Recruiting and Retention
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
“Finding outside the box solutions like this is a great way to keep things bite sized, grow organically, and yet foster the room for growth and flexibility that you're looking for,” explains Justin Poynter. Justin is the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Arthur Marshall, Inc, a national recruiting firm that supports dentists across the country. Today, he joins host Jon Harris to talk about associate recruiting and retention.
Dental practices all over are currently struggling with recruitment and retention for a multitude of reasons such as the increasing cost of dental education, the impact of the coronavirus, and Baby Boomers retiring. Practice owners have 3 main options when it comes to recruiting. They can hire someone they know through a referral, choose from active online job seekers, or cast a wider net which tends to require making the job opportunity more attractive. Sometimes it may be necessary to start targeting non-active job seekers who may be unhappy with their current position through an online ad. Putting this money into advertising is typically a worthwhile investment as it can yield a new employee who has a greater ability to produce a return on that investment within their first year.
There is a shortage of quality dental candidates in the talent pool right now, so it is important to think outside the box when it comes to recruitment and retention. You may have to call around to other practices for referrals, offer attractive bonuses and higher salary rates to remain competitive, invest in advertising, or even look out of state for new employees. Putting in the effort up front to find the right fit is extremely important as it will save you money in the long run and result in less turnover.
• “Set a 45 day clock. Within those 45 days, reach out to your network. Reach out to other practice owners, other vendors, and see what you can gain in terms of referral.” (15:14-15:26 | Justin)
• “When a candidate is looking on a job board and there's a search results page of a hundred listings in front of them, they all start to kind of bleed together.” (18:31-18:39 | Justin)
• “As long as you find somebody that's got career ambitions that match up with your long term expectations of the roles, and have some sort of track record of sticktoitiveness, those are big priorities that I try and tell practice owners probably should be close to the top of their list.” (20:22-20:43 | Justin)
• “There is an endemic level of misunderstanding on the part of practice owners on just what is involved in retirement.” (23:27-23:36 | Justin)
• “Simply sitting around conducting business as usual every day is not going to get practice owners to where they want to go.” (37:35-37:43 | Justin)
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Making PPO’s Profitable
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
“It doesn't do any good to negotiate the highest fee schedule in the world if they can't put patients in your chairs,” explains Patrick O’Rourke, Founding Partner of Practice Quotient. When it comes to dentistry, parsing through dental insurance, adjustments, and reimbursements can be challenging. With his specialization in network analysis, negotiation, and strategic guidance, Patrick joins host Jon today to discuss making PPOs profitable.
Generally, PPOs are outsourced marketing costs, which are not free even if you’re not writing the check. And currently, 85% of the market are people with PPOs, so they can go out of network, which may lead them to your office. It’s great to get new clients, but if you’re in a contract with only 45 cents on the dollar, you could run out of the cash flow that keeps your business running. Patrick encourages practices to fully understand that relationship to ensure they don’t become victims of their own success. With many strategies to keep in mind, Patrick understands how to secure the balance you need for your business to flourish.
Every dental office needs to understand their reimbursements, how much discounting they need to do, and how to not lose money. You may think the secret to success is getting as many clients as possible, but you also want to treat people without losing out financially. Getting together the right strategy will help expand your practice and remind you that the insurance industry and provider community are symbiotic business relationships.
• “The insurance industry and the provider community have a symbiotic relationship, and it should be viewed as business partners.” (16:51-17:00 | Patrick)
• “It doesn't do any good to negotiate the highest fee schedule in the world if they can't put patients in your chairs.” (23:58-24:05 | Patrick)
• “My advice out there to everybody in listener land is to choose your business partners wisely.” (29:49-29:56 | Patrick)
• “If you're on a crappy contract, and it's paying you 45 cents on the dollar, and you're losing money, that's bad.” (50:48-50:56 | Patrick)
• “I feel like if you're not being treated fairly by a business partner, you need to take some action, but you need to articulate that to them.” (1:07:53-1:08:00 | Patrick)
Connect with Patrick O’Rourke:
Website: www.practicequotient.com
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Patient Acquisition and Accelerated Growth
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
“Companies like mine exists, because you should be hiring a company who has serious experts in every area,” explains Shay Berman, President of Digital Resource. Primarily based out of West Palm Beach, Shay works with over 800 practices worldwide. Today, he shares how Digital Resource works with dental groups to promote the consistent patient acquisition needed for accelerated growth.
With Digital Resource, Shay can send each client a certain amount of leads, but it is up to the practice to close with new patients. With this in mind, Shay reminds listeners why internal and external marketing is crucial for building a practice. By looking at the market as a whole, from evaluating the competition's strategies to following up with incoming leads, you can pitch yourselves to potential clients as an affordable, treatment-focused option.
The more patients you have, the more you can grow your practice. Learn more about the costs of patient acquisition, thinking of dentistry as a business, and how to improve your website through link-building.
• “When a practice looks to grow, they can look to grow their current patients that are already there and maximize those, or bring new patients in to get the type of patients they want.” (07:43-07:51 | Shay)
• “The biggest risk in digital marketing is how much time and how much money was spent before I really dial it in.” (29:00-29:07 | Shay)
• “You want to make sure you look the best. And that's where things like your reviews, how great your website looks, the videos that you put out there, how you represent yourself, your staff. Are you caring? Are you a high quality high technology practice? You want to make sure you're covering all that.” (34:47-34:59 | Shay)
• “Companies like mine exist because you should be hiring a company who has serious experts in every area.” (47:37-47:43 | Shay)
• “Don't be cheap. Treat your partner like a partner, and understand the real return on investment of your marketing through doing the correct tracking all the way to the patient's end result which should be paying you money.” (1:03:15-1:03:25 | Shay)
Connect with Shay Berman:
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Business and Life Transitions
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
“You’re in a transition, and then you're moving towards a transformation. When you get to that transformation, you're in another transition,” guest Dr. Kevin Reed explains. A second-generation dentist, Dr. Kevin has a wealth of knowledge about the dental industry and life. Today, Dr. Kevin shares his best philosophies for thriving through inevitable transition periods.
Over his forty-year career, Dr. Kevin has seen the dental industry adapt in many ways, from technology to people. Although change can create feelings of fear or uncertainty, Dr. Kevin urges listeners to allow themselves and their practices to transform. This process may not be smooth, but if you make positive steps, you can succeed in any area of life long term.
No matter the industry, expect many personal and professional transitions. Learn more about the changes in dentistry, embracing imperfections, and how intuition formulates action.
• “If you looked back five years ago and you're doing things the same way, you're not studying, moving ahead, and staying in current contact with technology, change, and people. (9:35-9:47 | Dr. Kevin)
• “There are core truths that you embrace. You’re in a transition, and then you're moving towards a transformation. When you get to that transformation, you're in another transition.” (19:06-19:15 | Dr. Kevin)
• “I think the opposite of fear is courage, and you can't have courage without fear.” (34:32-34:36 | Dr. Kevin)
• “Tweak your action, and then tweak your vision. That's what a transition is all about. It's envisioning where you want to go and then taking action.” (39:55-40:07 | Dr. Kevin)
• “How to handle transitions is a part of being a leader because you can't be a leader if you can't transition.” (1:01:13-1:01:19 | Dr. Kevin)
Connect with Dr. Kevin Reed:
Website: https://reedfamilydentistry.com
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
The 3 Steps to Building Extraordinary Wealth with Mark Murphy
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
“When creating multi-generational wealth, the strategy is not only about passive income. It's about earned income for the rest of your life,” explains Mark Murphy, Chief Executive Officer of Northeast Private Client Group. The author of two books, The Win-Win Outcome - The Dealmaker's Guide to Buying and Selling Dental Practices and Extraordinary Wealth - The Guide to Financial Freedom & an Amazing Life, Mark understands how to leverage financial investments. With his expertise, Mark reveals what dentists can do to gain financial freedom and set up their practices for success.
Mark and Jon discuss how dentists need to have an entrepreneurial mindset. Often, dentists refer to their staff as overhead rather than acknowledging that they are either an investment or an expense. Mark urges listeners to evaluate their returns on investment because, ultimately, their practice is as much about profits as it is about dentistry.
By committing to discipline towards your business, financial success is possible. Learn more about creating multi-generational wealth, how to build the right values around money, and being your own CFO.
• “When you're changing lives of all the people you touch, that doesn't seem like a business. It seems more like a calling.” (3:46-3:52 | Mark)
• “When creating multi-generational wealth, the strategy is not only about passive income. It's about earned income for the rest of your life.” (9:45-9:52 | Mark)
• “We're focusing on profitability more because it's not about doing the most dentistry. It's about two things, being the most profitable and having a standard of care that is appropriate.” (27:26-27:38 | Mark)
• “I think the number one job I have as a financial advisor is to ensure people have the right values, ideas, and thoughts around money.” (40:52-41:00 | Mark)
• “The most important thing is the commitment to the discipline. Discipline is a system in place. It's a science. It’s the discipline to do things.” (47:08-47:21 | Mark)
• “I don't believe in competition. I believe in differentiation. How do we create differentiation for our firm or their practice.” (58:04-58:12 | Mark)
Connect with Mark Murphy:
Website: https://www.northeastprivate.com
Connect with Jon Harris:
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Monday Jul 25, 2022
”A Cry for Leadership” with Carrie Cahill
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
“People are crying out for leadership, they’re crying out for a purpose,” says Carrie Cahill, executive coach at Fortune Management. Although COVID-19 ostensibly is responsible for a mass exodus of 40 percent of people from the workplace, Carrie and John argue that COVID was merely an opportunity for people to make changes that they had wanted to make for a while. People are looking for careers that tie together their values and can offer them recognition and a purpose that they can attach themselves to. In short, people will stay on a career path with which they are in alignment, and leaders have to ask themselves how they can provide that alignment.
In this episode, John discusses his disappointment in how many leaders handled the COVID-19 crisis. Carrie discusses the importance of being vulnerable in order to achieve growth, constantly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, and being fully present when honestly assessing where you as a leader are and where your team is.
Join the conversation to hear three to five things that you can start to do to adopt better leadership principles and how COVID revealed all the phonies in the workplace.
• “COVID changed our environment significantly. So, it forced people to make a very uncomfortable decision and it wasn’t one that they made by choice. If they were willing to make that choice, it wouldn’t have required COVID to lose 40 percent of the workforce.” (7:07-7:25 | John)
• “If they don’t see their career as expansive, and I’m not talking about raises or promotions, but if you’re not constantly being presented with opportunities to grow and learn and develop in your area of expertise, you’re going to seek that out, especially when you’ve had time to think about it.” (11:05-11:22 | Carrie)
• “People need to be vulnerable in order to grow. Without comfort in vulnerability, you really can’t grow as a human being because you have to step into the unknown.” (32:06-32:19 | Carrie)
• “There are a couple of things that I encourage folks to do: one is to get around people who look at things differently than you do and to ask a lot of questions.”(41:51-42:03 | Carrie)
• “That’s true leadership. The first person to take the bullet is the leader.”(44:12-44:19 | John)
Carrie Cahill’s Report:
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Preservation of Private Practice
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
“There is no better patient experience than that of an independent dental office with technology,” explains Alex Sadusky, CEO of TruBlu Direct. At TruBlu, Alex works to help independent dentists survive and thrive in a competitive market. By breaking down the obstacles of the dental industry, Alex can develop long-lasting and practical solutions.
Alex is well-aware of what patients are looking for in a dentist. With more people desiring convenience and affordability, dental offices that can remove additional steps and serve as a one-stop-shop will do better. By exploring the challenges and opportunities of modern-day dentistry, Alex reminds listeners that people will always pay for what they value and how independent dentists can demonstrate their worth.
Tune into this week’s episode of 21st Century Dentistry for a direct conversation on preserving the private practice. Learn more about current dentistry trends, the value of technology, and the benefit of TruBlu’s services.
• “There is no better patient experience than that of an independent dental office with technology.” (8:56-9:01) | Alex)
• “The growth and the procedures are coming at the GP level. Why? Because you want to go to one person. You want to go to one office. You don't want to go back five times.” (24:41-24:52) | Alex)
• “Dentistry is an integral part of healthcare in this country. I think it's our collective job to help it maintain its independence because it's exceptional.” (36:03-36:17) | Alex)
• “My take is if you're not getting commensurate value for the services being provided, those are the ones you need to target.” (1:06:51-1:06:59) | Alex)
• “We're delivering economies of scale, a seamless user interface, a network of providers, and resources that are the best in dentistry that provides unique value.” (1:17:17-1:17:25) | Alex)
Connect with Jon Harris on Facebook:
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Managerial Accounting with Pro-Fi 20/20
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
“I try to know the entire market space of dentistry and the financial industry,” explains Chris Sands, Strategic Growth Partner, and Co-Founder. Chris never thought he’d be in the CPA business and even believed he’d end up in dental practice consulting. After an experiment where he voluntarily worked in a dental office, he decided to open a managerial accounting firm where he specializes in the financial side of dentistry.
Chris understands how to not only financially manage a dental practice but understands the customer base. With many people wanting to go to a one-stop-shop for their dental needs, Chris recommends that any practice have specialists on-site who do procedures not typically done at a general dentist's office. Ultimately, Chris understands that being consumer-focused can help any practice increase its profits and improve its business.
Tune into this week’s episode of 21st Century Dentistry for a dynamic conversation on managerial accounting. Learn more about Chris’ professional journey, his goal of affecting positive change in dental practices, and how commercial real estate can expand your business.
• “We talk about all things related to finance. I try to know the entire market space of dentistry and the financial industry.” (3:20 - 3:27)
• “It's not just doing the job of accounting and delivering financials or tax returns. It's trying to affect change.” (8:34 - 8:41)
• “The entire organization's goal and mission is to make every doctor a million dollar producing doctor.” (42:16 - 42:26)
• “You need to find a way to own your office building. It just supercharges your business and your personal net worth.” (58:16 - 58:23)
• “I think everyone should use the dental business to buy real estate that houses that dental business.” (1:03:54 - 1:04:07)
• “Your job as a business owner has to be twofold along the way. You have to save cash in the business and pay off debt. Both.” (1:16:11 - 1:16:22)
Connect with Chris Sands:
Pro-Fi 20/20 Website: www.profi2020.com
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Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Digital Dentistry
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
“We are a community that helps young dentists and dental students connect with the right education, the right practices, and the right people in the industry,” says Dr. David Rice, Founder of igniteDDS and Chief Editor of Dentistry IQ. Dr. David Rice founded igniteDDS ten years ago in hopes of gathering dental advice and wisdom to help a new generation of dental professionals thrive. In today’s episode, host Jon Harris and Dr. David Rice engage in an in-depth conversation about the trajectory of digital dentistry.
After being in the dental space for more than 20 years, Dr. David Rice believes wholeheartedly that you need to have a career vision that is individual to your wants and dreams. A mentor once taught David that if you are chasing after somebody else's dreams, you will always want more money or more results and will never be happy with what you have. This lesson inspired David to run a course called “Is Everyone Smiling?” that teaches professionals in any stage of their career that they will never be satisfied chasing someone else's dream. Chase your own unique dream, and you will thrive in all aspects of your career.
Tune into this week’s episode of 21st Century Dentistry for a conversation with Dr. David Rice. Learn more about the belief systems in the dental space, how dentists stick to what they know digitally to a fault, and why you should jump into the deep end of the dentistry pool.
• “We are a community that helps young dentists and dental students connect with the right education, the right practices, and the right people in the industry.” (01:48-2:00)
• “What I've learned over the years is that patient objections are really huge opportunities for us if we just dial in, and we listen really well to understand what they're really saying when they object to treatment. That can help us give them the best care.” (04:15-04:32)
• “Patients are like kids or pets, right? They sniff out our lack of confidence or a lack of conviction, and what we know is the right thing. So, we've got to know it.” (06:54-07:05)
• “Personally, in my practice, I'm more of a soft tissue laser guy than a hard tissue laser guy, because most of the dentistry I do is big case dentistry. So full arch, full mouth. And lasers have come a long way.” (43:07-43:22)
• “The most successful people I've ever met in any business are people who jump into the deep end of the pool.” (47:20-47:27)
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